Attack on the Nahal Oz fuel terminal

Attack on the Nahal Oz fuel terminal

    Shortly after 15:00, Palestinian terrorists fired a salvo of mortars at the Nahal Oz area and penetrated the fuel terminal. Two Israeli civilians employed at the terminal, which supplies the Gaza Strip with most of its fuel, were killed in the attack, just after the latest delivery of fuel for the Gaza power plant funded by the European Union.

    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)

    Israel views the Hamas, who controls the Gaza Strip, as responsible for today's (Wednesday, April 9) terror attack on the Nahal Oz fuel crossing terminal. Hamas bears the responsibility for this attack, and will bear the consequences as well.

    Today's attack proves yet again that the terrorists in Gaza not only attack Israelis, but also try to harm the civilian infrastructure that allows a normal way of life in the Gaza Strip. It is plain to see that the terrorists' goal is to kill as many Israelis as possible while also undermining any example of coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians, such as occurs at the crossing points between Israel and Gaza.

    Israel transfers food, fuel, medicines, equipment and humanitarian supplies on a daily basis to the residents of the Gaza Strip. The terrorists who attacked the fuel terminal today are trying to harm this activity and thereby harm the lives and welfare of the residents of Gaza.

    Israel will determine how to defend itself and will act against the terrorist organizations, their commanders and operators. At the same time, Israel will continue with its efforts to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.